When you’re hosting a large group, food is often a centerpiece of the event. Whether you’re serving a full meal, snacks, or appetizers, food-borne illnesses are a real risk. According to the CDC, 48 million people in the U.S. become sick from foodborne illnesses...
When the school year winds down, it’s time to celebrate the transition to summer. An end-of-school-year pool party is the perfect way to bring together friends, classmates, and families for one last splash before the next chapter begins. With the right planning, this...
Hosting a business retreat isn’t just about PowerPoint presentations and strategic discussions. More and more companies are realizing that adding enjoyable, even playful elements to their corporate events can dramatically improve team morale, foster creativity, and...
Planning a class reunion can be a challenging yet rewarding experience, as it provides an opportunity to reconnect, reminisce, and celebrate memories with old friends. With the right planning and venue, you can make the gathering both fun and nostalgic for everyone....
Nestled amidst the scenic beauty of its 15-acre expanse, Chartwell Gardens offers a perfect backdrop for hosting a wide variety of outdoor events. Chartwell Gardens is located in South Jersey and 22 miles from the center of downtown Philadelphia. Whether you’re...